Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Lok Sabha Television: VOX POPULI FAUX PAS

VOX POPULI FAUX PAS seems like any oxymoron.
But hey! Just literally but not so practically.

LOK SABHA TELEVISION (LSTV) has done just that and may be many time over.

Forced by my friend to watch a program
VOICES: VOX POP "9.30pm - MP3 and Sound of Music" in which his views on the subject were to be telecast.
Contemporary! I thought, and leaving my apprehensions about a government-like channel to be of any worth. Coming up with a relevant topic made me try it out.

But not for long!
Re-affirming my faith in the incompetence of anything and everything which has its genesis or links with state machinery.

The scroll ran like till 9.45 pm VOICES: VOX POP "9.30pm - MP3 and Sound of Music" and then suddenly vanishing without any trace of that program coming in sight.
No! not even till 10.30 pm.

And I was flabbergasted on both the audacity and the incompetence of the concerned people. What? Are the audience blind? or they want to make us that.
Insensitive to many people who might be pinned up in hope of watching there known faces on TV.
(My friend who runs a guitar school invited all students over and asked all the clients to watch the show was literally crying for the disgrace and insult he had to face by being associated with this channel)

I might sound overtly sensitive, but I was not, as I saw a wasted effort.
As a strategy and management student/professional I could just exclaim PATHETIC!
Yes , it's been a wasted effort.
First, of people's money what is going on in funding LSTV.
Second, of the marketing efforts that have been trying to establish LSTV as a niche channel.
Third, of the creative and technical effort gone into making this program
And many more indirect efforts being wasted.

Can a nascent channel effort to be so careless, so incompetent, so low-tech and so discourteous.
There was no apology or regret message apprising of the viewer of this.
Rather sheepishly the scroll was removed.

Mistakes do happen and technology may fail but there should be bona fide acknowledgment.
Even newspapers and publishers come out with 'errata' and 'corrigendum'.
I wonder what made it so difficult for LSTV to come out with a rejoinder.

What LOK SABHA TELEVISION has done today has made me depressed over the state of affairs. When a channel representing the highest democratic institution fails miserably to deliver, God Save Us!
I grieve for the level of competence and ethics my country is falling to.

Written in hope to find an eye who can try and pull the right strings and set things right.

Donning the marketers cap - a final word of caution for LSTV.
Lok Sabha Television should advertise but first set its house in order.
People watching the channel will look for the quality that it promises.
Failing on this front will lead it into the vicious circle of poor performance.
Word of mouth will hit it hard even before it get any recognition.
(I know of around 100s of us who will talk to 1000s about this and will exponentially spread the bitter experience.)
Inception to execution must be foolproof if LSTV wants to attract viewer and make them sit and watch the programs.

Liberty of carelessness and casualness can be afforded, though to a small limit, by a well-established channel but never for a nascent one like LSTV.
Here with participants and viewers like us who are passionate for what we do and watch, it is
